Sunday, November 30, 2008

About Me

I am a stay at home mom of one daughter that is 10.
I work from home blogging most of the time. But I
have recently started tattooing as it is one of my
hidden talents that I didn't know I could do. I used
to draw alot when I was younger then when I had my
child I stopped. I am always looking for ways to make
money from home. As blogging is like my extra spending
money so I still am doing alot of research. But this
blog is mainly about tattooing and piercings. As I
have several piercing and find that in today's world
those and tattoo's are becoming more popular, also I
am going to be talking about health and beauty. So I
hope you find my blog to be interesting and come back
often to visit me. And feel free to leave comments or